For those using their R7 for wood what is everyone using to clamp down work material?
I was hoping the more advanced people would post. lol. I am using drywall screws into the spoiler board. I keep a really sharp chisel to re level the spoiler board after removing the screw. One day I’ll make a work board with t-nuts and build some clamps. In the long run I can do everything I need with Vacuum but right now I am still very much in the sandbox phase.
I use these home made low profile hold down clamps. My spoiler board has tee tracks I like these clamps the best as It allows my vacuum system to pass over them with room to spare. I found these clamps on you tube but with no drawings or dimensions. I think I have a cut out g code from Vcarve.
Thanks. I do think that I will install some type of t track in the spoiler board.
I’ve tried numerous things, when it all has all been said and done I use wood screws. Too many holes, slide a new waste board in on top of the last.