For those of you who might want to try moving your Gshield to an Arduino Due running TinyG G2 firmware, this install video could help with respect to getting your USB drivers going for the native USB serial ports that G2 creates.
Drivers no longer located there. Page looks completely different now. Also, tiny G does not show up under other devices. Bit and parity are not scene when a connection is obtained.
drivers under older configuration page.
link bad. Does not point to g2 driver for tiny G. points to driver at a 3rd party for arduino.
Also,JSON sever 1.80 recognizes board immediately and chooses com port and baud rate. Does this mean I still need drivers?
New to all this.
So driver update from current “Connecting TinyG” page worked! It’s an executable driver located at . Had to run it in 64 bit compatible mode to work? Also, still needed JSON 1.80 to get it to work. On my way:)…