Why is my first laher looking like this?
It is my second printing (the first 2 eere ok) ever.
That looks like Z height far too high.
You might benefit from this site. It might be overwhelming but it has great advice.
You might post more information, like what printer you have.
I’ve been watching it closely and I got the impression that it may be clogged. Do you think it’s possible? I’ve only used twice (eith the fillament that comes with it).
What printer and filament are you using? Also what kind of build plate are you using?
It’s an Ender 3 V2 Neo, original bed and PLA fillament.
I tried unclogging it with the needle that comes with it and a cold pull.
Printed again (with a better fillament than the one that comes with it) and the first layer looked bad again (although better than the previous) but the second looked smooth.
Guys, sorry if I used any weird terms. I’m completely new to 3D printing and not a native English speaker.
That first layer still looks like the nozzle is too high. That means, among other things, that it will not adhere well to the bed. That means that it is more likely to come loose during printing. A print that comes loose during printing can lead to the dreaded “blob” where your hotend becomes encased in a blob of plastic.
The lines in the first layer look loose and not squished down. The purge lines around the outside of the print should be round; the fact that they look vaguely polygonal means that it’s mostly not sticking to the bed, just barely tacked down in places.
I just helped a coworker whose Ender 3’s head was so enveloped in plastic that she had to buy a whole new hot end (nozzle, heater, and heat sink) assembly.
Ellis’ print tuning guide shows what first layers should look like in detail.
I adjusted the noozle height and it got even better. Thank you so much fornthe help, suggestion and links!!