First off, thank you to all the developers. Great software and great community.

First off, thank you to all the developers. Great software and great community.

An issue I’ve been running into during my laser operations is that when I conduct a laser fill path the fill can be pixelated, especially when using a very fine curving text. The horizontal movement tends to cause that issue from my observation. To fix that I’ve tried dozens of times to follow up a laser fill path with a laser cut to try and solidify the outline of text. More often than not the text ends up misaligning since, in many cases I’m conducting extensive laser fill paths (500,000+ lines of gcode). This can be seen in one of the attached pictures (“SELF”).

However, today I was playing with using a mill pocket action to burn a fill path and it worked amazingly, as the laser path followed a similar pocket cut working from the outside in along the pattern of the object…thus very clean lines and very efficient laser movement without 2 operations (other picture of the letter “R”). The problem is that I end up having to trick the software into thinking I’m conducting a mill operation with z movements and offsets from 0mm rather than my standard z height of 15mm for laser operations.

Would it be possible to add an action that allows for laser operations that generate similar CAM mill pocket paths with no z movement and a starting z height, aka “Laser Pocket Fill”? I’d like to donate to this problem.

Or maybe another option would be to add a drop down in the laser fill path action that allows the use of the “conventional” mill direction option?

And for the record, I’m using a planetCNC controller and software for running the milling/laser operations. The standard processor here works great when importing LW4 gcode.