First look at a 32-Bit controller I got in that I will be installing

First look at a 32-Bit controller I got in that I will be installing into my 3D printer

I saw this board and got tempted to buy it. I also did a few “brain transplants” in my printers, they are very labor intensive.
One of the replacements I did was on a very good printer with a closed source board, stuck in time.
I have one advice about closed source: RUN, don’t do it!
I also strongly recommend trying out Klipper. Just hook a RPI in your 8 bit board, configure it, and your printer will be super fast and smooth(at least on firmware).

^Klipper seems like a great option.

I saw this on AliExpress a few months back. Looks quite interesting but I still get nervous buying these no-name boards as they tend to cut some weird corners…

what board is this?