so i have an “mtriangle” cellphone screen separator fiber marking laser , i have a red light galvo is working but when i try to cut it has no cutting power. i have a video of the lens at the output and when i hit cut, it lights up in the video from cellphone then “cutting” a bit brighter so its sending a bit lf light, what are the chances this is an easy fix a new source is 599$ ?
I hit the 1 screwed down ic’s with some solder and the light came a bit brighter but the info off the chip seems like it was lasered off. I swear the lights in end of fiber is betting blinkier and brighter after putting some heat to those 2 i think my prob is the one with 2 prongs with markings lasered off.
ORO5j is the marking that can be read off the chip
Btw All grounds are perfect, power supply is supplying laser board with 12.1 v dc all power supplies are outputting.
12.1v was measured at wires at power supply and at board. output
Here are some results from tests i did under laser power
It’s always nice to post a link to the equipment, that’s even more true with a laser that is somewhat different and more of a commercial use only type.
I can’t read the voltage readings at the bottom, or what you have written… that might help.
I doubt this is a fiber laser, maybe at a fibers frequency, but I don’t see enough room for it to hold pump diodes, not to mention the fiber…
Here’s the overall picture of this m triangle fiber lase
Also the gold piece which I think is the factory laser output states 1064 nm but on the board the module reads 808 I believe the actual output is 808 nanometer but the machine states it’s 1064 perhaps that extra wire going behind the gold piece modifies the beam to make it 1064 I don’t really understand what’s going on. In my paint modified document the output to the laser is 1.3 volts and it says 0.3vdc on the bottom left.
All my power supply outputs are absolutely perfect and this board is receiving a proper voltage from the power supply
Let me start from the beginning
- MG-OneS Autofocus Laser Marking Machine
- This is the machine I cannot find out whether it is a 20 watt or an 8 watt there are only two
- Relating to the output beam type on the board the laser source seams to be an 808 NM but the factory is clearly states it’s 1064 only.
5. I removed the laser source fiber and optics out of the entire machine without damaging it after testing all the power supplies and the power going to this board
6. There is some output to the laser but nowhere near as bright as it needs to be
The power supplies are perfect consistent and outputting the correct voltages The galvo and red dot is working
7. There is some magic looking black smoke just under the laser module on top of the peltier cooler The thermal paste between the bottom of the laser module copper and the peltier was really dry and probably not exchanging heat well
8. I uncoupled my fiber from the diode and I’m thinking maybe replace the diode but it seems like this person put a new coupler type then from the factory if this is even the right one
1.) What do y’all think it is?
2. this resistor the ones on heat syncs, think I should change those?
3.) Tho only markings are like in the pic which might be the right one?
4.) New laser with all the opticshead with a new cooling fan, the fiber itself and a firing board is 599. Laser Source Part
5.) new laser module and a new cable fc connectro 1 side sma other side alone will cost me $364.82 and i am not sure about the size of my current NM of my current fiber. As assuming its 200nm because module that looks like the one on the board is 200nm thise one*x6tt2k*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3Mzg3MTkyNzEuQ2owS0NRaUFrb2U5QmhEWUFSSXNBSDg1Y0RNUlpYSnNwalU0Wm5CV1NPVnVqWWhpbjIzdnM5dzVsMktSRVFlMml1ckpIZVJtY2R2bmNrTWFBaXBERUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_dc*R0NMLjE3Mzg3MTkyNzEuQ2owS0NRaUFrb2U5QmhEWUFSSXNBSDg1Y0RNUlpYSnNwalU0Wm5CV1NPVnVqWWhpbjIzdnM5dzVsMktSRVFlMml1ckpIZVJtY2R2bmNrTWFBaXBERUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_au*MTQwNTk2MzAyOC4xNzM2NDczMjcw*_ga*MTIxNzIwMDE4MC4xNzIwNTg3NTI3*_ga_VED1YSGNC7*MTczODcxODU2NS4xMzYuMS4xNzM4NzE5MzYxLjYwLjAuMA..&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa
Can I get some advice one best course?
If you are considering Mtriange or szmtriangel BEWARE of difficult parts finding. They are failing me on a 4 year old machine they. The laser source from the manufacturer, they are dancing around saying they don’t have any but at first it seemed like they did have more. Used the old threat to call every single cell phone repair in the US and placed an order and told them I don’t care if they have to take one off a new machine.
You all have been completely unhelpful. What gives?
If you are referring to the manufacturer,
If you are referring to forum participants here, no one here has an obligation to have specific knowledge that matches your interests.
I think he’s frustrated with trying to get this thing to work. He has a couple of posts over at the Lightburn forum. With limited electronics knowledge, I wonder if this is a bit over his head… However, we are all willing to help.
I believe it’s a 808nM source, but it’s not a fiber machine, as there is no fiber. The replacement videos make no inference to it being a fiber machine, just a laser.
Watching the video of the laser source replacement link he posted, I noticed a piece that I don’t seem to have in my galvo head area.
Could be some kind of multiplier to get it to the desired 1064nM output frequency?
I’ve never had mine open, but I’ve seen videos and I don’t remember a heat sink fan combo in the split part of my fiber before the galvo.
Actually, you misread this, it’s 200um, not 200nM and I think it refers to cabling.
I think the 200um refers to the connector/cable assembly.
I think the photo has protective caps on the output, so you’re not seeing the connector itself, just it’s protective cap.
If it shows smoke damage I’d target where the smoke came from. It likely got too hot, supreme killer of solid state devices. I’d also be looking at it’s peltier device for cooling.
I was hoping he would post a link to the whole machine, not the pieces… at least we’d have someplace to start.
It’s a 808nM source and he claims the factory says it 1064nM output… I’d like to read this from the vendor and see what else it says.
@mcdanlj I hope you’re correct in assuming it’s directed at the manufacturer.
I’ll quit reading them otherwise
I can imagine that it’s easy not to realize that there is a difference between a (active) fiber laser and a laser beam incidentally, passively transported over a fiber; that the presence of a fiber optic cable does not automatically make something a “fiber laser”. I knew that there was a difference, but not much about them. This quote from you in the other related thread was illuminating for me!
As a recently-licensed ham, I’ve had occasion to learn about this in the RF space. It’s hard for me to have an intuition that radio waves and light waves are just different frequencies of the same thing, but this was helpful! So at least one forum participant here is grateful.
I have three different lasers at the hospital that have a fiber laser delivery system that are not fiber lasers. Holmium, Thulium and Excimer.
Congrats… Spouse and I were licensed in the 70’s and have sequential calls. We were licensed in Texas, we were in the 5 call area WB5QPX… When we returned to Arizona, we had to change to a 7 call area… KA7CMF.
I guess I have or are approaching a half a century as a ham
This is exactly how a fiber does color… The oxide/anneal layer reflects and there is a time delay between it and the metal, which also reflects. They are mixed and we see the restricted visual range of the output or results as color.
ELF (extremely low frequency) is also an emf emission. It’s used to talk to submarines, mainly. It ranges from 3Hz (100,000m wavelength) to 30Hz (10,000 meters wavelength).
A full wave antenna for 30Hz would be 10,000 meters in length.
Resonance is everywhere… Electrical and mechanical.
This is for an ELF signal, you can see the resonance areas – read text at bottom.
Mechanical resonance has destroyed many things that man has built. Tesla noted that with the proper frequency, destroying the Earth was possible.
Again, congrats on the ticket, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it and the people, I sure have.
Have fun.
That’s awesome!
I’m KZ4LY, licensed this past fall. Studied hard and got a little lucky and passed all three elements to make AE on my first sitting! My wife is studying for tech and maybe general now.
I grew up in WI when there was misplaced outrage about the ELF antenna being installed from people who… let’s just say they weren’t experts in the field.
He has a couple of posts over at the Lightburn forum.
No, that guy is not me! “BSL Boards/SeaCad - #3 by Rick - Galvo - LightBurn Software Forum”
fiber machine I though that ut had a fiber optic cable it was a fiber machine.
Although if I understand the literature, the longer the fiber, the more power you can get out of the laser up to 10 more watts the longer the fiber on the 15w I remeberig reading something? I don’t know where I started to infer that from to find the link atm.
The m triangle co may not have a full $599 module to sell!
If not My only idea would be try that $340 808 module
My cable is dual female SMA
My diode Is male SMA thread
It looks like the diode that AIKE laser sells, another company is I think FC connector output and they sell 1m cable my cable is like 5 ft long
the pletier was hot as hell on 1 side but I did not check its cooing on other side. the smoke was form peltier area,
the peltier is under the copper.
Any ideas on those Thick film resistor if they could be the issue?
Actually, you misread this, it’s 200um, not 200nM and I think it refers to cabling.
I understood just did not produce the figure correctly. refering to thickness of fiber as opposed to wavelength,
Looks like the red dot combiner block before the galvo head. looks a little coated and orangeish
If most people acheived 1064 NM by means of this type of doping combination, I think the wodespread use of more 808 modules for this tak would be more prevalant.
Also I was talking about you guys.
If you are referring to forum participants here, no one here has an obligation to have specific knowledge that matches your interests.
Yeah I can see that I was gonna say AYOOH!
This is more like it guys lets keep it coming eh? BWahahah Sorry JKWi is correct it has been very frustrating. Didn’t mean to have a tantrum.
Attempting to correct your post…
Sorry, old, poor brain makes mistakes.
There’s probably some relation with length, but I think a lot of it is what you want it to do while the beam is in the amplification medium. What happens in the fiber, depends on many things, including the angle of incident or what angle the pump diode is coupled to the fiber.
All have some type of fiber ir cable to get it from the source → galvo.
The A in laser stands for amplification, so you must have some area that this lasing or amplification can occur. I know they are rather long and have pump diodes along the path.
Once it gets to this level, it becomes very technical and there are many sites that have information on fiber machines. The hole just keeps getting deeper.
Along with some sales approach and maybe some FOMO approach they sent me a new board laser source optics etc. what they are sending me is different from what I have but is compatible.
I will still be trying to order an appropriate laser module and repairing the old source and making sure it works and then probably trying to sell it upon eBay. Or perhaps fix the old source use the old source and sell the new one. This was not a fun experience trying to deal with.
I recommend if anybody does have an mtriangle MGoneS machine, immediately disassemble it unseat the copper from the peltier cooler below and reapply new thermal paste and replace peltier.
And what a surprise it was a standard max laser source instead of the original board it came with a 24 volt power supply I kind of have it jerry-rigged together at the moment I’m going to have to drill a couple of holes into the power supply housing to be able to fit it in a new slot and I’m going to have to drill a few holes in the base to mount the source
I am not giving up on the old board in fact when I get my budget back straight I’m going to invest in a diode to see if I can fix the old board