Farewell old friends

Farewell old friends


@Brook_Drumm ​ that’s a cast gear from the KS :slight_smile:

Been there! I kept 1. I guess I still have thousands stowed at the shop though :wink:
Happy printing!

The Kickstarter closed 6 years ago today :wink:

Wow. Really? Makes me digging through old gear and getting rid of it even more poignant. Crazy 6 years! See how far things have come.

Crazy! I remember wanting to save every dime I had to buy a Printrbot Jr. back in the day. How time flies.

I remember my first box of random parts someone sent me to get started. Actually that was right after Brook’s KS because I built my first printer in 2012.

My first printer experience was a December 2013 Printrbot Wood Plus - learned a lot from that thing.