Facing first layer issue

I’m trying to print a file using a K1 printer
I’m using the “Creality Print” slicer
I retried slicing twice but still having the same result

To be noted : I’ve changed the hotend and the nozzle recently

I’ve experienced inconsistent under-extrusion when a thermistor is failing. If you print the same gcode file multiple times, are the failures in exactly the same place, or do they show up in different places?

I’ve tried a new file (the benchy that came with the machine)
Below is the result

That’s clearly also underextruded.

You could have bad filament with varying diameters and inclusions that partially clog the nozzle. You could have ground-up filament in your extruder making it slip inconsistently on feed. You could have a bad thermistor. There are many possible causes for extruding an insufficient amount of plastic.

Personally, if it were my printer, I would

  • Test with different filament
  • Make sure there is nothing stuck under the bed sheet
  • Test whether the thermistor has resistance of around 100kΩ at room temperature
  • Clean the extruder

I literally did all four of those things this past weekend because of a thermistor failure. Because I have a CHT heater with an integrated thermistor, I had to replace the heater and thermistor.

If you don’t know how to do any of that, please feel free to ask.

Ok @mcdanlj
Will check to take down the issue
Thanks indeed