FabCreator Bonne Wilce QQ:

@FabCreator @Bonne Wilce
QQ: How much is the Z sensor offzet compared to the nozzle?

(I want to include in my ‘autofocus’ macro a G0 xy command before and after the focus, so I can align the nozzle (and later on perhaps the laserpointer) and then the head moves the correct distances to get the Z-sensor to that spot, and back again!)

Depends on the distance you screws it in. Ours the offset is 2.5
It should be around 2,5 to 3.5mm

No, I mean in X and Y direction… ie how much to the left and to the back is the sensor compared to the nozzle center point?

O i see. Not sure off the top of my head. If you go open the fusion 360 model you should be able to measure it. ( Currently out the office)

Ok… will do! I hoped you might’ve just known, because you used specific measurements or something

Haha, i might with other measurements but sadly not for that one :slight_smile:

Just to store it somewhere so I don’t lose or forget:
DeltaX = ~ 11.0mm
DeltaY = ~ 13.5 mm
DeltaZ = ~ 0.0mm

So this should do it then:
G91 ;Relative positioning
G0 X11 Y-13.5 ;Move 11mm right and 13.5 mm forward
G28.2Z ;Home Z
G0 X-11 Y13.5 ;Move 11mm left and 13.5 mm backward
G90 ;Absolute positioning

Cool idea let me know if it works

Works! Just tested it! It nicely moved the head so the sensor ended up where the nozzle was, moved up for the Z-homing and moved back…
(So, the rest of the community: feel free to copy this macro for more precise autofocus!)

Cool, Well done!

Hahaha… Now you know what to put in the autofocus macro once yours is done!.. How far along are you?

Yes, indeed. When mine are done!.
At this point, i need to fix the tube with tape, cabling the tube and install the pipo. Than adjusting… So not so far as i wanted yet.