External Accellerometer for Neptune 4 and Pro - how to add it ?

Hello :slight_smile:

i don’t have these printers but i’m just asking information in consideration to buy:

I saw that Neptune 4 and Pro don’t have accellerometer: ELEGOO Neptune 4 Pro FDM 3D Printer

how difficult is to install it ?

i saw that have the direct port for the accellerometer on the main board: Elegoo Neptune 4 Hardware

i saw that guide where they use that port to install it: Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro - Input Shaping Guide.pdf

is there also the possibility to use an accellerometer directly from the usb port ?

Hi @Rob93

Afik The accelerometer needs a dedicated port on the controller because it needs a high-speed SPI interface for communications. It will not be able to use any kind of USB accelerometer.

We are a very general forum here, I dont think there are any Elegoo users posting regularly, so you may get a better answer from the official Elegoo forums etc .

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