Eric Lien I recently started using Simplify3d (it's about time,

@Eclsnowman I’m running 1 amp for X and Y, and 1.5 for Z. The X and Y steppers are warm I guess I would call it. If it happens again I will try some of the steps you mentioned.

No problem. I knew eventually I would get it working, I just didn’t know when it would be. Thanks for your help.

@Roy_Cortes Thank you for your help on getting my 3D printer back up and working.

I’m not sure what this is about. The carriage moves around a little bit and then starts printing.

Looks like a wipe gcode. Look at your start gcode in your slicer.

@Eclsnowman thanks. I will check it out.

This is my last two prints. The one on the right is .2mm and the one on the left is .1mm. Do you have any recommendations on improving this print? I normally print at .1mm. I turned off auto extrusion width thinking it might be causing me some trouble.

It might be time for me to print some new Eustathios Spider V2. A few pieces have seen better days but it was printing great before I swapped the X5 mini.

Off the bat, try outside in instead of inside out on perimeters. Then try slightly lower temp. Looks like you might need some dialing in on first layer height (i always run 0.3mm first layer for adhesion , then switch to your desired layer height on layer2).

Looks like maybe some coast to end/retraction tuning is required.

But this is all speculation. Mind posting your settings you are currently using? What slicer, etc?

Also, what do you have acceleration currently set at?

For example I disable junction deviation on Z (essentially turn off jerk on Z).

I guess I wore out my stepper for Y axis. One of the bearings froze up and looks like it leaked all the grease out. I ordered the bearing on Amazon today. 2 years of pretty much constant printing!

What current are you running right now on Y? I only ask because I have been slowly stepping down my current on a few printers with good success. Early on when I first built these I was on the more is better mentality. But I am slowly learning more is better, but the right amount is best :slight_smile:

1.5 but I was thinking since the bearing might have been causing me trouble I might go back down to 1 for both X and Y. (I’m a victim of more is better for sure) Are you running around that range?

yeah, try 1.0A as a starting point.

Now I remember why I was at 1.5. on X and Y. After I went to 1.5 this issue stopped happening.

I really need to work on the stringy issue. Looks like a hairy groot.

Well I tried. The stepper is finished. I ordered a new one from Robotdigg.