NO. When I hold down the end stop it’s going to max when I press home.
SIG and GND to C and NO
if it goes to max when you hit home you have two problems. Your motor is inverted (going the wrong direction) and needs to be inverted with wiring or in the config.
And your endstop logic is wrong (need to flip the logic on the endstop). If you have the ! take it off, and vice versa.
I’m at a loss. I’ve tried just about every combination and it’s still not working like I would expect. The way I have it below it’s at least allowing the printer to go home when I press home for X and Y. But when I try to move it manually it goes in the opposite direction that it should for both X and Y.
alpha_dir_pin 0.11!
beta_dir_pin 0.20
alpha_min_endstop 1.24^!
alpha_homing_direction home_to_min
beta_min_endstop 1.26^!
beta_homing_direction home_to_min
Z axis doesn’t work at all so far. It moves when I hold the end stop down about 1/2". When I press up or down for Z it just squeals. I currently have it setup like this:
gamma_dir_pin 0.22
gamma_min_endstop 1.28^!
gamma_homing_direction home_to_min
gamma_current 0.50
@Eclsnowman I got X, Y, and the Extruder working correctly now. I flipped X in S3D software.
Z isn’t working like it should. If I hold down the end stop and press home it goes about 1/2 inch towards the end stop.
If I try to move Z up or down it just squeals. It does this with the endstop open or closed. Since it moves when I press home and holding the endstop I don’t think there is anything wrong with the stepper.
Ok. Somehow my gamma steps per mm was set to 2560 while the others are set to 160. Should these be the same? I changed it to 160.
Now I can move the Z axis up and down, but when I press home it moves about 2-3 inches or so and then give the halt or m999 message on the Viki display.
What should the stepping really be for X, Y, and Z?
I’m so close to getting this working…
What stepper drivers
And what jumper settings under the drivers for microstepping.
@Eclsnowman SD5984. I have 1/32 for X and Y. 1/16 for E and Z. I’m not sure if that is what I should really use.
@Eclsnowman @Roy_Cortes Everything is working good with one exception. I can’t home Z if it’s more than 17mm away. If it’s more than 17mm away I get a halt / M999.
My config file is located here:
when you tell it to move 10mm does it go the correct distance on Z?
Is this going to be a microstepping issue? Is microstepping only adjusted on the X5 Mini pins under the SD5984 drivers? I think it’s currently set to 1/32.
@Eclsnowman I need to update this a little bit…
I have all X, Y, and Z set to 1/32 microstepping and steps per mm set to 160.
I don’t understand why X and Y move the correct distance but Z barely moves?
I’m a little in over my head here.
@Eclsnowman I tried setting it to 5120 but I get this error when I try to home Z if Z isn’t close to the end stop: Error: Homing cycle failed.
Also whenever I try to move Z down 100mm with S3D, it only moves the Z axis about 10mm.
Ok. It’s not having any trouble homing Z anymore, but moving Z down 100mm doesn’t work. It only moves about 10mm.
I finally got my Eustathios Spider V2 printing. I’m having an issue where it shifts the X axis over a bit during the print.
I would check two things. Make sure you aren’t catching the nozzle (over extrude or curling feature), and make sure you have stepper currents adjusted correctly that you are not running the motors hot (causing thermal shutdowns) or too low (not enough torque).
last thing to check would be to confirm the gantry moves smoothly by hand (no binding).
Sorry I have been slow to reply recently. Work and life are burning me at both ends.