Enhancement Add a field to increment the Z axis for Laser and Mill opps

Add a field to increment the Z axis for Laser and Mill opps to allow for incremental removal of material, this will eliminate the necessity to set up a separate cutting code in another program and having to run them independently. This is to accommodate smooth cutting for different material depths. I realize that We can do multiple cuts, but having the depth adjusting creates a better job.
Thanks for you efforts

Thats already implemented. If you enable z stage in machine settings then you can set multiple passes and depth of each pass for all laser and mill operations.

Thanks Claudio
I didnt even see that , Is there a location where these features are explained in detail, there seems to be a shortage of info in that area or maybe I havent found the write place yet.

There is a Wiki at https://github.com/LaserWeb/LaserWeb4/wiki/3.1-Settings-Machine and the website https://cncpro.yurl.ch/ with some nice videos, but the most stuff you will find in the G+ community.

thanks…thats helped.