english: If you are interested in a collective order for the needed parts to

english: If you are interested in a collective order for the needed parts to build the DICE yourself, I opened a thread on http://reprap.org to discuss all questions and to organize the order at the best way possible. The estimated cost for a build is about 700€/780$.
The link to the thread: http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?251,642606
I know, the language is german, but I will answer any question asked and many other german users will write english too. Information of the little printer called DICE in english is here: http://well-engineered.net/index.php/en/projects/12-dice-english

deutsch: Falls hier Interesse besteht, ich organisiere im deutschen Subforum von http://reprap.org gerade eine Sammelbestellung zu meinem kleinen DICE. Der Link zum Thema mit allen Infos: http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?251,642606

Hi René, congrat’s for the DICE. It’s beautifully thought and even better executed.
Having an AZSMZ mini myself also with the 2100 from Trinamic, I was wondering how you could get Smoothieware up to the 12000 m/s in acceleration. My version of firmware doesn’t let me pass the 10000 m/s in the settings. I guess my printer could handle a little more, but the software doesn’t. Any hint?

Thank you for the kind words :slight_smile: For the AZSMZ I just used the latest edge-build of smoothieware: https://github.com/Smoothieware/Smoothieware/tree/edge/FirmwareBin

Real nice work Rene! Are you planning on posting the CAD files somewhere? Also, I’ve heard of some CoreXY designs where the belt crosses and others where it does not. Do the belts on the dice cross? This is an example of one that does not. http://3dwrx.com/openbuilds/corex2/layout-1-b.jpg

@Anthony_Webb The linked design is wrong. The inner part of the beltpath has to be 100% straight. Further: On all coreXY systems the belts are crossing, if looked from above. It is just a matter of designing the path to see a clear crossing or a diffuse overlay. I did both in my previous printers and it doesn’t matter :wink:

@Rene_Jurack how do you tension your belts? Will you be releasing cad files? I’d love to try a build.

The motors are mounted adjustable. The ends of the belt are glued in.