Enclosure for the Smoothieboard.

Enclosure for the Smoothieboard. Found this on Thingiverse by cope413, and it came out pretty well. Still learning, still tuning, but this felt good. Cura 3.2.1, 200 C, 60 on bed, PLA. Octoprint/OctoPi. Needs a touch of clean-up, still learning on printing support.

Got the link?

@wes_jackson https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:281561

are there ‘bubbles’ in the top layers over the cells of the infill?
you might want to increase the infill density or increase the top layers

@Dennis_P yes you are seeing bubbles, I do think I need to increase the top layers like you mention.

you might get more effect if you increase your infill percentage

@Dennis_P I’ll give that a try too.