Done using two overlapping g code files so Chilipeppr did not barf.

Perhaps. I was looking at the “roughing” up solution though. Giving up on the viewer would seem a shame.

Yes, good point. Losing 3D viewer would be sad.

Better to fix it somehow so we can move to large 3d pieces.

Here’s what I did with that piece to “fix” a mistake I made when I made the original rosewood top for this little round “box” years ago. I just glued the cnc piece in for now and will be CNCn the white oak cylinder but sadly, no rotational view in Chilipeppr. Let’s hope some of the talented people in open source community see the potential to be part of making tools for artists.
missing/deleted image from Google+

The mistake I corrected.
missing/deleted image from Google+

Is this a file you can share or point me towards. I would love to do something like this but have no idea where to stsrt. Love it.

@Steve_Anken loving the fine detail of your work