I’ve had a k40 for probably 4 years now and originally kepteverything simple. I thought I might go the Corel route and bought a used Windows 8 laptop for $50. While I could never score a copy of Corel, I tried installing K40 Whisperer and it just would not take. I ended up using LaserDRW and actually did some pretty amazing stuff with it. Unfortunately my machine had an accident is now DOA. I temporarily loaded K40 Whisperer on a computer (a Microsoft Surface with Windows 10) I have access to to see if it would work, and it does drive my laser. I am looking to buy/upgrade a computer and was looking for recommendations. Has anyone tried Windows 11 with K40 Whisper? How difficult is it to load and run successfully on a Mac?
To the best of my knowledge K40 Whisperer works fine under Windows 11. I do not currently have Windows 11, so I am basing this on what other people have said. (I generally run my laser with a computer with Linux installed but I do the code development and a most testing without the laser on Windows 10)
3 posts were split to a new topic: Running K40 Whisperer on systems with ARM CPUs
I cant seem to get the drivers to recognize my k40 on Windows 11. Any thoughts on what this could be? The drivers only show up to Windows 10.
Thanks in advance!
Is the problem with a Laser that you have succesfully used on a computer with Windows 10, or a new laser?
You say that you can’t get the drivers to recognize your laser. Does that mean you are seeing a problem when you are trying to install the driver? Are you seeing an error?
Correct, the driver installer does not recognize my k40. It says 0 devices found. I’ve tried several usb cables, still no luck.
Is the laser a machine you have used in the past with K40 Whisperer under Windows 10?
(I have had a few people recently ask for help with Monport Lasers that come with upgraded boards that are not compatible with K40 Whisperer.)