Does anyone uses the bondtech-extruder with a “flatter” NEMA17 motor? Like 25mm thick?
I used 20mm thick pancake
does it work?
Yeah so far so good. But again I’m not printing at 8k acceleration…
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Specifically, the BMG is for this.
Hi @Rene_Jurack , all theese push test were made with the 25 mm 18ncm motor.
@Martin_Bondeus Ok, thank you, I clearly overlooked your test-setup. If you can provice a CAD-Model of the extruder and this alu-mount, that would be great
@Martin_Bondeus alternatively, I need to know, where exactly the filament path is, relatively to the alu-mount. Could you provide such info?
A step model of the BMG is available on the product page. You can measure that. I did not find a model of the mount, but some dimensions are described on its product page.
I REALLY looked for it and only found a half front and all the mounts?!
The model available is a simplified step (no motor since that is up to what you want bolted on). See picture, sorry had to open the step file on my phone.
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He has an STL for the printed mount:
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Here are a few dimensions I could pull for you if it helps. Measurements to centerline of the motor shaft and off the back face of the extruder housing.
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@Eclsnowman Thank you very much! I think, that will work