Does anyone out there make laser cut kits?

Does anyone out there make laser cut kits? Wondering if anyone would be willing to share a workflow for creating kits with bridges so that they stick together for shipping but easily snap out for assembly. I think I know how to do it, chopping the designs up in Illustrator or Inkscape, but wondering what other ways there are.

I’m moving some of my CNC camera designs over and am looking to get more into providing them as kits. Right now I just tap the laser power button during cutting to create a tiny bridge. It works right now for the few I’m making at the moment.

Use the tabs feature

@Todd_Fleming , thank you! I’ve never heard them called tabs before. For the life of me I can’t find anything about them in the documentation. Can you tell me what Laserweb is expecting here? If I just drag the outline of the object in there again it makes a random sputtering around the line. Is it expecting a file in there that I can create that specifies only a bridge, er, tab every say 25.4mm?

Nevermind, found your post here from 36 weeks ago. I understand now. Thank you, that makes a lot of sense!