Does anyone know if the TinyG will work with Mach3 ?

Does anyone know if the TinyG will work with Mach3 ?

I have not heard of anybody getting that to work.

No it won’t. Tinyg does the motion planning on board getting g code commands over usb to serial. Mach does this on the computer sending steps to the drives usually via a break out board from a parrallel port.

I used to use Mach 3 to a Gecko G540 4 axis motor driver via a parallel port. I did not use a breakout board. I was forced to used older PC machines with Bios that may or may not allow the port to function properly. Mach 3 interprets G code in the software and sends a signal over a parallel port to the motor driver. Technically Mach is more of a real time environment which becomes clear when jogging or when time to hit an emergency stop in the middle of a job. TinyG gets commands in a code format and they get loaded into the TinyG’s memory or buffer which in turn are executed in order, thus sending out signals to the motors. This has been a minor nuisance when jogging that I believe can be tweaked. I have a list of pro’s and cons if anyone is really interested; but really it’s just a Chilipeppr want list. After plugging into my laptop and dropping old files onto Chilipeppr desktop and running old programs without a parallel port, I am sold. I am finding that with TinyG I can get more speed without missing steps. My machine transition through curves is amazing. And immediately I liked Chilipeppr’s Graphical User Interface. Unfortunately chrome is not loading chilipeppr for me right now and no solution in sight except to find another computer with a chrome browser and a USB port; better than an XP machine with Parallel port.

Can you post screenshot of ChiliPeppr not loading to help us debug for you?

Thanks John for repyly. I posted already on this. If I use another browser like Microsoft Edge the same thing happens. However, in Microsoft edge, if I proceed to another site and then go back to it loads? I have turned off Windows defender, Windows firewall, and scanned for other programs that might be running. I’ve run two different maleware programs and made sure they are off. I’ve reset my router. I have uninstalled chrome, tried adjusting settings in chrome. I did attempt a recentunsuccessful install of Debian on this Dell, I just can’t stand Windows any longer and all the junk that comes with it.

Look at JavaScript console to see error

I have no idea what this stuff means. But I feel like there’s a solution in these errors somewhere.

Yeah, looks like you’re blocking Google Analytics, thus the whole page
isn’t loading. So you must have installed something that does ad blocking.

That’s enough to put me on the hunt. Thank you.