Does anyone know how to wire and config a 7pin ssd1306 OLED display to

Does anyone know how to wire and config a 7pin ssd1306 OLED display to C3D remix board or smoothieboard ?

Originally shared by Xiaojun Liu

Hi guys,

Can you show me how to wire/config a ssd1306 OLED display to the C3D remix?

I have a 7 pin,1.3inch OLED display with SPI interface. These 7 pins are GND VCC D0 D1 RES DC CS. The display is shown in the following pic. I connected these pins to the exp1 and exp2 pins on C3D board,and write the config.txt file,as pic 2 and 3 showed,but screen didnt work. Then I changed the RES pin to the 2.11 pin in ext2,changed config.txt file accordingly,as pic 4,5 showed,but didn’t help.

Unfortunately I couldn’t find any good instructions on this one:( Only saw some talented guys have succeeded, like @Rene_Jurack and @raykholo etc. I’ve tried my best to gather and understand the pieces of information they left. But I may understand or do things wrong.

Any help is appreciated!