Does anyone know general numbers in terms of energy-consumption of different parts of a 3d-printer and accessory?
My RasPi runs with 6-7Watt on average, the fans are easy to calculate. But what about one motor with stepperdriver? Is there a rule of thumb? And did someone did measurements?
Ok, I measured my motors: NEMA17@1,5A ±4W
Since each coil in a stepper motor approximated a sine and cosine wave, stepper current can be approximated by summing the two, peaking at sqrt(2) * stepper_current, stepper motor power can then be approximated by multiplying this peak stepper current by stepper voltage. You should also probably include a fudge factor of about 1.5, and that should get you the power consumed by each stepper motor
I plugged a current meter between my power supply and the wall a couple months back and ran between 60-78w with no heated bed.
I’ve got a mk3 heated bed that draws almost 100watts at about 100C. I’ve also got a 300mm heated pad that draws well over 250watts