Does anyone have any experience of this hobbed bolt?

Does anyone have any experience of this hobbed bolt? I’m having a bad time with hobbed bolts, I have a wide and somewhat wonky cut one that would grip well but is SAE so it too loose, also means I have to retract a mile. I have an M8 one that is very finely cut and grips well, but gets blocked up with ABS shards in no time.

Suggestions welcome.

We are currently using the Hyena and it works very well. Before ordering the Hyena we attempted to create our own hobbed bolts, but all of them did not have enough grip and produced too much plastic dust. This is a picture of one our non-working prototypes:

Arcol is well-known for their excellent hyena bolts.
Personally I’m using a self-hobbed stainless M8 stud with M5 hobbing. Works perfectly for ABS, even when there is some ABS fluff in the grooves. When the grooves get filled up too much, the debris simply falls out - I think the hyena (v1) will work the same way.