Does anybody know anything about this crazy thing?  Who made it,

Does anybody know anything about this crazy thing? Who made it, where could it be downloaded, how does it look when it’s working? Does it have a name?

Does anybody know anything about this crazy thing?<<<

From the web page provided it was uploaded at Christmas and the poster will upload a STL file when it’s available.

Why a photo of your monitor and written name? Lets see it printed, bet you anything it never had been and isn’t in a working design at present.

It looks like a water pump impeller !

It looks like you have to alternately push the 2 halves of the push button in the middle to stand up each side of dominoes. Pushing too early will lift the paddles and stop the falling, pushing too late and the falling will stop halfway around.

I was just wondering if this was a remix of a common puzzle or something else that someone could identify.

It’s a circle with domino-blocks…