Do not buy this book! It suggest using a spirit level to "level" your

Such a warm heart felt retraction that Im beside myself. I’d love to see the original post because my bad advice in its entirety was to suggest having a $2 torpedo level in your tool box. I left it up to the reader to build their machine however they saw fit because that was not in the scope for this book. Before I promise myself to never look at this thread again here’s a long list of other resources from Prusa and Dr Bowyer among others that discuss using the level, which again I did not do. I make this point because my fallacy was in merely suggesting you might want to have a tool not that you should actually do anything with it. Apparently all suggestions to proper RepRap usage must now be routed through Rich before further correspondance is acceptable.

Heh, I just use the reflection of the nozzle in the kapton to make sure the nozzle and platform are parallel. Haven’t had a problem. (I do have a torpedo level though but that’s for woodworking)