Did anyone have trouble connecting Lightburn to their computer?

Did anyone have trouble connecting Lightburn to their computer?

I just downloaded it to connect to my K50 and they aren’t communicating. I’ve followed the video tutorial on their page about connecting the ruida/ethernet as well and still nothing.

I’m using a windows 7 laptop if that helps…

You are sure it is a Ruida controller? Do you use the RDWorks software with the machine previously?

From their video it looks like the ruida which is the standard on the blue 50 watt I believe.

I hadn’t tried RDWORKS but im thinking about trying it now if I cant get LB to connect

The “K50” sometimes comes with a Ruida and other times with the M2Nano or similar board as in the K40.
Send picture of your machine and controller.

I sure hope I’m wrong then cause I’m stumped…

Ok, yes, this appears Ruida like.

There’s a support group for LB on G+ and on FB. The FB one gets a lot more traffic. Recommend you post there.

Yeah I just found it, still waiting to be accepted. Thanks

Enjoy. Don’t say I didn’t tell you when the responses aren’t “instant”. Unfortunately I’m on fb constantly. G+ I have to check manually. The developer will be with you… in time.

I am using Lightburn with Red Chinese laser. My machine is connected via Ethernet and works without any issues.