Dear Josef Prusa  what is the deal with the nozzle?!  It's nearly April.

Dear @Josef_Prusa what is the deal with the nozzle?! It’s nearly April.

Last I heard he was working on the polishing process.

Polishing one’s nozzle does seem to take up an inordinate amount of time, some days.

So basically, I went thru 7 CNC shops here in Czech, and it was always the same. Semi-good samples (50% yield after 90minutes of polishing a piece [some are just unpolishable]) and production batch always disaster. Now it looks very promising, I switched away from Czech to USA guys and I have a deal with SeeMeCNC, they have awesome shop and should be able to deliver exceptional quality! Thanks for patience! I am doing everything I can, I believe it is worth it! ETA for samples 10days, production run 2-3 weeks.

Good to have some news.