Currently, I am trying out a smoothieboard and it seems,

Currently, I am trying out a smoothieboard and it seems, that there is a max of around 65000steps/sec. Is that right?
My test&try setup is kinda extreme: I have 6400steps/mm on Z-axis and want to go as fast as 30mm/sec on Z. Don’t ask why :wink: But it seems, that i cant go faster than 10mm/sec?!?!
Am I wrong at some point or do I have to lower my micro-stepping to get lower steps/mm and therefor higher speed?

Thanks @Mark_Rehorst . I saw the figure “100000” in the config file, but didn’t conclude that it has this meaning. At least, that clears it up for me :slight_smile:

@Rene_Jurack The max step rate is 100khz indeed. Maybe you have some other limit on speed in the config ?