Currently I am fighting really nasty mid-band resonance in my new CNC-build and while

Currently I am fighting really nasty mid-band resonance in my new CNC-build and while seeking for solution I find that also my printer experience same but in much lower level. Si I am wondering why printer vendors like Pirntrbot, Luzbot, Ultimaker do not include dampers in their design. I found in YouTube a lot of users especially on deltas where 3 motors work at same times and the resonance could occur more often than within Cartesian use them with huge success. I am attaching pics on factory and diy one.

Also I saw a lot of discussion about the drivers and micro-stepping that smooth to movement but particularly Damper smooth the stepper operation much better than any micro-stepping configuration.


At first I thought the dampers were to serve as feet for the printer, but now I see that they are attached to the motor shaft and require a dual shaft stepper.

Does the extra rotating mass affect the performance of the printer? I would expect one would have to slow some operations.

Yes it affect the high speed of the stepper but actually it improve the maximum speed. There are a lot of tests in youtube and also vendors recommend dampers for high speed performance. Let say your printer stall at 100mm/s with dampers you will be able to achieve 130/140mm/s.
