Curious... with all the talk of what we will do after G+ leaves,

Curious… with all the talk of what we will do after G+ leaves, I am wondering why I haven’t seen anyone bring up the concept of just using a Google Group. What downsides are there to migrating over to there? This is sincere curiousity, especially since we’re all already here… so we all have google accounts. shrug

Just thought I’d ask…

That’s a good question. I hadn’t thought of that. I just checked and “Create Group” is an option. Unless this is already being sunsetted, maybe this is a good idea. That being said, I’ve already created accounts on MeWe and Fosstodon. I’m not really using them much yet, though.!forum/k40lasers

@JamieR Requested permission to join your group. :slight_smile:

Not much interest in the groups, everyone is moving to Facebook or Discourse. Heck, some are moving from Facebook to Discourse. Like this one for the Cohesion3D board.