Curious if anyone else has noticed the laser head stopping randomly in amongst an

Curious if anyone else has noticed the laser head stopping randomly in amongst an engrave job, reversing slightly, then continuing?

I just noticed it happening about 10 times in a two or three horizontal lines period.

Is there something wrong if it is doing this?

Mine does it on large engraving jobs. Smaller ones doesn’t do that. Some sort of recalibration.

@Ashley_M_Kirchner_No Thanks Ashley. I was wondering was it some sort of problem.

It is a rom overflow issue. The stock controller runs out of space on larger more intricate engraving jobs. It is a nuisance, but the engravings still come out ok. Just takes longer than it should

@Joey_Fitzpatrick I originally read you comment as “a room overflow issue” and just re-read it as “rom overflow issue”. So a memory issue?

Yes, the microprocessor on the the stock controller has a memory limitation. When engraving something that requires more memory that the micro can handle, the machine will pause as the laser head is in motion.(as it catches up with itself) you will notice this happening on raster engravings when there is a lot of area to be engraved. The engraving will still turn out good, it just takes longer due to the repeated pausing and re-starting.

@Joey_Fitzpatrick Thanks Joey, that makes a lot of sense. I imagine it is kind of like steaming a video with slow internet connection, has to keep pausing to buffer new data.