Could laserweb be causing this?
I thought maybe the water flow sensor, but from what I can tell my machine doesn’t have one. It’s a k40
Could laserweb be causing this?
I thought maybe the water flow sensor, but from what I can tell my machine doesn’t have one. It’s a k40
Have you checked the original to ensure it doesn’t just have a lot of tiny paths?
I agree with CescoAiel it looks like its firing a series of dots rather than a single line command.
Also, if you have any experience with reading GCode, you could check the generated GCode file for tiny paths as well…
Well if you load a file with that many points into laserweb it will take a substantial time to load itself, that would be the first red flag. Most files load for me within 1-3 seconds but a bad file can take 30+ seconds, and selecting parts is botchy.
No tiny vectors…when I look at the file in inkscape, there is literally just 2 nodes with a line connecting. It seems like it is the g code or file and not the machine. I ran a cutting board file and it did the same thing, but only in one spot on the board. The locarion where it wasn’t firing properly was different than the location in the video.
Can you post the gcode of that video? It realy looks like short lines but could also be communication problems. What firmware and controller are you using?
If it’s only 2 nodes, that should be 2 lines of GCode, which would mean the controller running on its own between the two points, so it shouldn’t have any communication happening then. Do you have a patterned (dotted or dashed) stroke on the line? (Does LaserWeb handle that?)
it about the shitty input file. dxf or whatever. small lines instead of a big one.
@clement_chadeyron He says above that the SVG in InkScape is two nodes, so unless something is splitting it that feels unlikely. Possible, granted…
We’d still need to see the gcode for that section to be certain…
It’s not just hanging up on something? Mechanically I mean?
No, it seems like it only does it when I’m cutting a single line. All other operations run great.