Could I get a duplicate "run job" button on the Files tab,

Could I get a duplicate “run job” button on the Files tab, maybe next to the Generate G-Code button? I find switching back and forth between the Files and Control tab kind of klunky.

Ah? Really? Interesting!

I find it rather pleasant that the Prep and Execute stages are clearly delimited.
Besides that I typically want to home X and Y, move the head to my object (Oh, how I love Live Jogging! Alt-Click made my life so much easier!) and then home Z before I start a job anyway!

I would vastly prefer a setup where the Files, Comms and Control menus were available simultaneously. The Comms stuff could fit across the bottom if the terminal were narrower, and then jsut two columns on either side of the screen. Settings and About should bring up normally hidden dialogs.
Live jogging, btw, doesn’t work for me on my Linux box.

What part of live jogging doesn’t work? Enabling or the actual alt-clicking?

Have you tried all steps as outlined here:

Actual Alt+click. It enables fine.

Interesting… That might be a bug that needs to be reported… You did not make any changes to your keymaps in Linux? (Like swapping Meta and other functions to different keys?)