Concept widget for the new ChiliPeppr Cayenn protocol which lets add-on IoT devices announce their existence to SPJS which then propagates to ChiliPeppr and auto-pops into the Cayenn widget. This lets your add-on devices automatically have a software UI component in ChiliPeppr without any configuration needed. That does mean each of your devices needs something like an ESP8266 connecting it to the network.
I like it. Then just a Habnero and BannaPeppr protocol and we’re all set.
I like the Habnero. NIce. Here’s the deal though, these Cayenn devices when they announce themselves provide a URL for a widget. An icon shows up automagically but if you click it, you get a dynamically loaded UI widget. So each device gets its own UI. The device can specify to auto load the widget as well, so the SpindleRPM one would auto-load a sexy little RPM read-out display in the upper right corner of ChiliPeppr just by you turning it on.
Very nice, i need this for my vacuum cleaner and pump to remove the copper dust after milling or control the air pressure at syringe from solder dispenser. I’ll use the sonoff device from itead via cayenne protocol.