Communication "hickups"

LaserWeb information

On the About page, I see that I have:

  • Frontend version: 4.0.998
  • Backend version: 4.0.136

My settings are:
“settings”: {
“__version”: “4.0.998”,
“__selectedProfile”: “Oakeroo-Master-2S-Max”,
“__latestRelease”: “2019-11-26T10:45:07Z”,
“showMachine”: false,
“machineWidth”: 820,
“machineHeight”: 480,
“machineBeamDiameter”: 0.2,
“machineBottomLeftX”: 0,
“machineBottomLeftY”: 0,
“machineFeedRange”: {
“XY”: {“min”: 1, “max”: 50000},
“Z”: {“min”: 1, “max”: 50000},
“A”: {“min”: 1, “max”: 50000},
“S”: {“min”: 0, “max”: 30000}
“machineXYProbeOffset”: 0,
“machineZEnabled”: false,
“machineZMatThickness”: 0,
“machineZToolOffset”: 0,
“machineZStartHeight”: “”,
“machineZProbeOffset”: 0,
“machineAEnabled”: false,
“machineBlowerEnabled”: false,
“machineBlowerGcodeOn”: “”,
“machineBlowerGcodeOff”: “”,
“pxPerInch”: 96,
“forcePxPerInch”: false,
“dpiBitmap”: 300,
“toolGridWidth”: 500,
“toolGridHeight”: 500,
“toolGridMinorSpacing”: 10,
“toolGridMajorSpacing”: 50,
“toolSafetyLockDisabled”: true,
“toolCncMode”: false,
“toolImagePosition”: “BL”,
“toolUseNumpad”: false,
“toolDisplayCache”: false,
“toolUseGamepad”: false,
“toolCreateEmptyOps”: false,
“toolVideoDevice”: null,
“toolVideoPerspective”: {“enabled”: false},
“toolVideoLens”: {“a”: 1, “b”: 1, “F”: 1, “scale”: 1},
“toolVideoFov”: {“x”: 1, “y”: 1},
“toolVideoResolution”: “720p(HD)”,
“toolVideoOMR”: false,
“toolVideoOMROffsetX”: 0,
“toolVideoOMROffsetY”: 0,
“toolVideoOMRMarkerSize”: 20,
“toolWebcamUrl”: “”,
“toolFeedUnits”: “mm/min”,
“toolTestSValue”: 1,
“toolTestDuration”: 0,
“gcodeStart”: “G21 ; Set units to mm\r\nG90 ; Absolute positioning\r\n”,
“gcodeEnd”: “M5 ; Switch tool offEnd\r\n”,
“gcodeHoming”: “”,
“gcodeGenerator”: “default”,
“gcodeToolOn”: “”,
“gcodeToolOff”: “”,
“gcodeLaserIntensity”: “S”,
“gcodeLaserIntensitySeparateLine”: false,
“gcodeSMinValue”: 0,
“gcodeSMaxValue”: 1,
“gcodeCheckSizePower”: 0,
“gcodeToolTestPower”: 0,
“gcodeToolTestDuration”: 0,
“gcodeConcurrency”: 2,
“gcodeCurvePrecision”: 0.1,
“comServerVersion”: “4.0.136”,
“comServerIP”: “”,
“comServerConnect”: false,
“comInterfaces”: [“USB”, “ESP8266”, “Telnet”],
“comPorts”: [
{“comName”: “/dev/ttyAMA0”},
“manufacturer”: “1a86”,
“pnpId”: “usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0”,
“vendorId”: “1a86”,
“productId”: “7523”,
“comName”: “/dev/ttyUSB0”
“comAccumulatedJobTime”: 0,
“connectVia”: “”,
“connectPort”: “”,
“connectBaud”: “115200”,
“connectIP”: “”,
“jogStepsize”: 1,
“jogFeedXY”: 1800,
“jogFeedZ”: 300,
“macros”: {
“*GotoXY0”: {
“label”: “Goto XY zero”,
“gcode”: “G0 X0Y0”,
“keybinding”: “ctrl+f1”,
“_locked”: false
“*LaserOff”: {
“label”: “LASER OFF”,
“gcode”: “M5”,
“keybinding”: “ctrl+f2”,
“_locked”: false
“uiFcDrag”: {“x”: -43.65999999999997, “y”: 148.68443893432612}

Problem description

I installed my LaserWeb on a Raspberry PI Zero W (512 MB Ram; raspbian 6.1.19+, node 10.24.1; nvm 0.39.3) and i am connecting from a Xiaomi Pad 5. My Laser is a OAKEROO Master 2S Max Firmware 1.1f.
The Laser seems to react delayed on Jog commands and also Jobs are often havin “hickups”, there are delays (seconds) between the according gcode commands.
When connecting the machine I recognized that sometimes the confirmation in the log window (“Machine connected”) occures muliple times.
What i also see that there are multiple UDEVADM processes runnig on my RasPI, the longer its running, the more of these Processes are running.
When i restart LaserWeb Server, it works for a while until the problems start again!
For any idea I would be very thankful.

Problem solved!!

It was not the backend causing the troubles but the frontend. I had to turn on “Display Cache”. This reduces the cpu conumtion on the client massively.

Sorry for bothering you with this Rooky Troubles :slight_smile: