Cohesion3D Power

Hi folks! I hope some one can offer some help. I’ve posted here before and got help. Anyway, I need a power supply cord for the Cohesion3D board. I purchased a used unit and not knowing at the time, it did not come with the cord. Is there an alternative method of supplying 24v power to the board? I’ve got a boat anchor right now. The laser functions and I’ve got the alignment dialed in, just can’t run it.
Thanks I’m advance for any info.

@Okielaser , I’ve no idea what you mean by ‘boat anchor’ but…

I assume that by ‘cord’ you actually mean a 24V power supply brick that plugs into the machine.

You need to know the power rating of your machine, eg 24V @ ??? Amps.
Then you need to know what sort of connector you need (probably a barrel-jack connector of some sort)
…Then get on the internet and go shopping for a power supply of that size with the correct 24v power connector and suitable for your region.

@Okielaser Based on your other post you have a K40 with a Cohesion3D board installed. The 24V power for the Cohesion board should come from the K40 power supply with that configuration.

There is info on K40 Power Supplies on Don’s Blog. You can find where the 24V comes out of the power supply by looking at the info on Don’s blog.



By “boat anchor” I mean a non functioning unit that is of no use other than maybe a boat anchor. Local slang. From what I was able to gather online the board came with a 24v power supply that input through the usb printer interface. The computer went through this connection. Since I don’t have the supplied power converter. I was asking about optional ways to supply power to the board.
Many thanks for your reply. I’ll have to investigate more.

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Thanks so much. I’ll have to see if I can figure out this power option.

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For the cohesion 3D boards they always recommended having a separate 24V source.
You can get a descent 24V power supply brick with a 2 pin screw adapter like this one.

You can use the adapter to connect the supply to the cohesion board with some 2 wire cable.


I believe you are reading the wrong web sites or they are not saying what you think they are saying. No way would the Cohesion3D be designed to power the board and stepper motors through the USB connection. Sometimes the board itself will power up from the USB connector but since USB power(excluding USB-C) is 5VDC and your stepper motors run on 24VDC >2A it would take some magic to get over 48W from a PC USB connection since rounding to 50W(easy math) that would mean 5V at 10A.

I think the Cohesion3D was designed and shipped with a 24V 5A power supply which had enough power to both provide power to run the controller AND the needed 24V to drive the stepper motors. This also took the added load/heating off of the weak 24V power supply in the stock K40 laser machines.