@cprezzi i think i’m going to need help getting my Tiny G V8 board to connect to laser web… not sure if i have the wrong firmware or my board just isn’t compatible … here is a dump from the command log
Connecting Machine @ USB,COM3,115200baud
Machine connected
tinyg [mm] ok>
tinyg [mm] err: Bad number format: version
[fb] firmware build 440.20
tinyg [mm] ok>
No supported firmware detected. Closing port COM3
Machine disconnected
+Peter van der Walt hope I can get the Ox going on LW4 without “brain surgery” would love to be one of the firsts to make something awesome with my Tiny G setup and get some of the folks from the Ox group using LW
@cprezzi i was able to get a bit more info from the controller setting $ej=1 but it still refuses to stay connected here is a dump from the console:
X position: 0.000 mm
Y position: 0.000 mm
Z position: 0.000 mm
A position: 0.000 deg
Feed rate: 0.000 mm/min
Velocity: 0.000 mm/min
Units: G21 - millimeter mode
Coordinate system: G54 - coordinate system 1
Distance mode: G90 - absolute distance mode
Feed rate mode: G94 - units-per-minute mode (i.e. feedrate mode)
Machine state: Stop
tinyg [mm] ok>
tinyg [mm] err: Bad number format: version
[fb] firmware build 440.20
tinyg [mm] ok>
No supported firmware detected. Closing port COM3
I think I found the problem. We have sent the firmware query in textmode, which switches TinyG to textmode also. I changed it to a JSON string now in server.js.
@Alex_Krause Do you use the dev environment or the exe?
@cprezzi +Peter van der Walt I am running into Java script errors after the update while I attempt to connect I’m rebooting the computer now and going to try a fresh install… Would you like me to post the errors here or on Git?
@cprezzi thank you, do you think the tinyG will will have different issues depending on the differences between the V8 boards and the G2 with an Arduino due ?
I was wrong with the same firmware, as V8 uses the original TinyG firmware and the new G2 boards use G2core, which is a ARM port of the old firmware. But at least the same protocoll.