Claudio Prezzi ​ could you tell me if grbl supports a glcd please,

@cprezzi ​ could you tell me if grbl supports a glcd please, my C3D board keeps playing up so Ray has suggested switching to grbl but other than the back light I don’t seem to get any life.

I’ve read that I may need to switch steppers around etc but is there anything she I’m missing?

Thanks in advance

Is there a contrast potentiometer for the display?

Can’t say I’ve ever noticed but looking at an image online for the discount reprap glcd I would guess that’s the little pot that I didn’t cut a hole for when I made my new face plate :joy:

Not yet as far as I know.

No, grbl and grbl-LPC doesn’t support directly connected LCDs. But it sould be possible to connect an additional arduino to the rx/tx pins to drive the LCD.

Ok thanks I’m only just getting into arduino stuff so setting that up is probably beyond me at the moment.

I find that a small 7" tablet is better than the GLCD, just connect it via USB. That solution is really about the same price as adding a glcd if you get one from a factory surplus place. I paid $35 USD for a 8" Windows 8 tablet

I’ve got a win 10 tablet that I can use but I like to jog etc with the LCD. My main concern was my Cohesion 3d mini is having problems will halts using smoothie firmware so Ray said to try grbl.

I run my k40 using a pi as a server so I guess that’s my next question, can I continue to do this?

@Andy_Shilling Yes, you can :slight_smile:
I use my K40 this way most of the time.

You can install the LaserWeb Server (lw.comm-server) on the RasPi (>=2b). This way, you can connect the server & machine from any PC in your network.
On the PC, you can install the normal LaserWeb4 binary. Then you just need to change the server IP in LaserWeb from localhost:8000 to {RasPi IP}:8000.

@cprezzi ​ thank you I will give it a try this weekend, if the board continues to give me problems other than smoothieboard do you know what other options I have to run the k40 on.

@cprezzi Do you know if the server can run on the pi Zero W? With the separated client and server model, can the server handle client disconnects or will it stop if the client stops?

@Andy_Shilling Not many options. You can use a Arduino Uno with CNC-Shield, but that’s only about 2x faster. :wink: (also no LCD)

The stuttering has nothing to do with the C3D board, it’s the way how smootieware communicates. Grbl-LPC uses a different usb-library and communication protocoll, that’s why gcode transfer is much faster.

@Steven_Kalmar I haven’t tested it, but I guess the Zero W is too slow (only one core) and wireless speed and stabillity could be a problem.

The client browser can be disconnected when the machine has started working. When you reconnect, you will see the actual machine state and moves, but not the rendered gcode (red lines).
You can even connect multiple clients at the same time :wink: