Choosing a Compatible Laser Cutter

I’m ready to buy my first laser cutter. As a Linux user, I have noticed that most laser cutters are designed to work with commercial software. Because I have not yet bought my laser cutter, I’d like to know if there are any models that are known to work well with LaserWeb4.

I’m currently considering the purchase of the following one, on Amazon:

Would this one be okay? Otherwise, I’d love to hear from those of you who own a laser cutter, and have found that it works well with LaserWeb4. Which model do you own, and which ones do you recommend?

Thanks, so much, for taking the time to read my post. I look forward to hearing from anyone who feels they may be able to offer suggestions or guidance.

If it’s running GRBL v1.1f or later you should be good to go with most any software.

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Thanks, so much. That’s a huge help!

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I’m 100% not suggesting that you not get a laser engraver (they’re great fun!) but this video is a good summary of how much effort you’ll need to put into safety. Basically, what’s shipped in the box is not nearly enough to protect your eyes and lungs.

Thanks, so much, trevorflowers, for providing a link to that video. It is EXTREMELY helpful.

Prior to watching it, I do remember looking at one of the pictures for the laser cutter that I just ordered. It shows a guy, sitting on a couch, with a laser cutter on the coffee table. I remember thinking about how impractical that would be, since it didn’t show any way of dealing with the smoke. However, that video is perfect, since it covers quite a few dangers.

I ordered my laser cutter, earlier today. Now I’m looking for safety goggles, and possibly an enclosure. Thanks, again.

No problem! The way I look at it is that each of the open laser cutters comes with a fun project to build an enclosure and a ventilation/filtration system.

Lasers! Wood! Electronics! Fluid dynamics! :smile_cat:

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treverflowers, just out of curiosity, would you mind mentioning what software you use for your laser cutter? LaserWeb4 isn’t really working. So, I’m looking for potential alternatives. What’s your operating system? Are you a PC, Mac, or Linux user?

If you’d be willing to mention what you’re using, that’d be great. In any case, thanks for your comments.

Hey, though otherwise I’m a Linux user for laser cutting I’m most familiar with Lightburn on Windows as that’s what we have at my local tool library.

Thanks for telling me this.

I’ve just started using a trial version of LightBurn; which has been installed on Debian 11.

I truly appreciate your help.

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