Can you recommend a "thing" or ready to buy thing / link for showing

Can you recommend a “thing” or ready to buy thing / link for showing of parts on a turning device? Like the one for 3d-scanning but without the scanning :wink: It’s for shopwindow use…

Something like this?

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@Daniel_Kusz Not exactly my pricerange :smiley:

You mean like a ‘Lazy Susan’ type cake stand?… ignore that… they’re generally not motorized…

yeah, but with motor. And at best 3d-printed. The one @Stephen_Baird posted is a good one.

You could probably design a largely 3D printed version of that relatively easily, although if you want a very large top surface you’d probably be better off cutting that out of something rather than printing it. Unfortunately I don’t know of a ready made design for one, though.

You could just print the rotation table parts from the Ciclop I suppose, but then you’d need a stepper and driver solution and unless you’ve got those sitting around with nothing better to do it’d probably be cheaper to buy something like what I posted.

How big?

How about a lazy Susan with a motorised toy car wheel geared down to make it turn hidden in the space underneath?