Can anyone tell me how to make a simple text raster engraving starting with

Can anyone tell me how to make a simple text raster engraving starting with Inkscape?

Before the smoothie upgrade I could just type up the text in Corel, click engrave and it would raster by default. Now when I type up the text in Inkscape and open the SVG it opens a blank boundary box. If I go back and do object to path I end up with an outline and the only CAM option I have is a vector trace (cut).

Do I need to export it out as an image and do it that way?

Yes you need to export it to raster image. Bmp, jpg, png

ok. I tried a PNG but it just came in really fuzzy. I’ll have to play around with it a bit.

Weird. Try adding more dpi. I use at least 300

yeah, I bumped it up to 300 and it’s better, but still not clear enough. Going to try a different application to create it. The text is pretty small, engraving on a pen

User error - 300dpi is good. I was grabbing one of the others at 90dpi when I was loading it :slight_smile:


Instead of rastering, you could use inkscape’s path->Object to path, or shift-control-c, to turn the text into simple paths that laserweb will understand.