Can any one identify this SMD component?

I would guess a resistor but would put a meter on it in both directions to verify.
Appears to be either inline with a signal pin or as a pull up on the signal pin.
Any idea what the pinout labels are for those 2 connectors it’s connected to?

I don’t think this is a resistor. It would be marked as R1 or a capacitor C1, diode D1.
The fact that it is marked with U1 could mean that it is something special like a sensor.
Or maybe a zener diode:


That photo is hard to see (this is not a criticism, I find photoing smd components very hard too…)

I think it looks like a 3 pin device, and I’'m sure I have seen similar packaged (pins on ends, not edges) SMD transistors before.

Plus, as @hennep correctly points out; it’s marked U1! which is a big clue :wink:

@Ammar : can you check with a magnifier or something and confirm how many pins this has? I think there is a big pin on one end, and two small pins on the opposite end.?


I think this is the package, but find no match for that and the XXN marking.

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The pads looked solid on both ends to me and while I saw the U1 labelling I felt it might be incorrect given that if it were a zener it’s still be labelled Dx.
If there are 3 pads that does change things.

Here is the board:

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@easytarget, is the marking really XXN ?
I thought the “XX” is a manufacturer logo and the smd marking a single N, hence the link to a page with an N for SMD parts.

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@hennep You may well be right; smd part marking is a black-art.
My thinking is that once you are into the DF package ranges a lot of manufacturers simply dont bother trying to put a makers mark on it; there is no space left.

@Ammar have you tried asking the company which makes the printer?