Burning Man 2018! Havent seen a thread with this years examples of ws2812b, apa102,

Burning Man 2018!

Havent seen a thread with this years examples of ws2812b, apa102, lpd8806, neopixel strips.

Anyone spotted any?

This one seems cool:

We just got home yesterday or 2 days ago, give us a bit of time :slight_smile:
And yes, the one you posted was nice, but not big enough compared to the one it replaced IMO (Firmament).


I personally still liked sonic runway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S29MbxYFXvo (go to http://marc.merlins.org/perso/bm/2016/ for more pictures of it)

Never been, but I love the sonic runway. thanks for the photos Marc.