Building a new CNC Mill which is currently powered with g2core on a Arduino

Building a new CNC Mill which is currently powered with g2core on a Arduino Due + special designed shield I was wondering whether the SmoothieBrainz idea was ever continued. Looking for a very basic platform, no need for stepper drivers (using separate drivers), no need for heaters that need to be driven, but, a clear need for a RS485 line.
Looking around I discovered as alternatives a picture of a very small board designed by Cohesion (something like a RF12M, so it needs to be put on antoher PCB) and the LPCXspresso board which needs something underneath as well. Alternatively I could build a new board from the ground up. Any suggestions?

In the v1 line, the Smoothieboard 0X is what matches what you want most closely, but I’m not sure anyone has it in stock right now.
For v2, we have a board that matches perfectly that need ( v2-central ), it’s the 4th in the planned series of board ( the first 3 will be in the kickstarter, design of v2-central should start right after that )

The Stamp was a fun project I once did, never commercialized.