Beginning of a dust shoe.

Beginning of a dust shoe. I used a fusion360 file available on cncrouterparts website and customized it for my r7. Working on the bottom part now. Will let you all know how it works out.

I’ve heard from a couple of makers that CNC needs to be properly grounded when using a vacuum attachment do to static charge buildup - was one of the 1st items disclosed at recent Rockler demo. Protect your electronics!

@Dennis_Davis thanks. Pretty sure it should be. All control box is grounded and I used anti static vac hose. Anything else I should consider?

At a recent demo the fellow recommend grounding vacuum hose. Might be interesting to give vacation hose a balloon test to see if it’s holding a charge. (inflated balloon will be attracted to hose if charge exist - we all saw the demo in physics 101).

Best practice is to run a bare copper wire through the hose. I just installed a dust collector this week and I have not grounded it. Going past the gates with a drowns was always the time consuming part.

I know dust collection grounding is always a hot topic with different opinions. My old shop had all solid plastic going to each tool and was not grounded and had no issues with static. My new system is also in plastic pipe and I have been up in the air as to wether to do it or not.

I do notice that when I use a shop vac to pick up Al that I get a lot of static. Enough to shock me if I am touching the grounded work piece and the hose.
When using the dust boot on the OX I have not had any issue with static picking up non-metallic chip, odd. I am going to agree with @Dennis_Davis and appreciate bringing up the subject, hadn’t really thought about grounding the hose.

BTW @Jamie_Wilson looking amazing sir! great job.

I think the concern is less about frying your electronics and more about dust explosions. Materials like mdf would be particularly of concern since they generate a lot of dust/very fine particles