Been fine tuning and it seems to be working out.

Been fine tuning and it seems to be working out. Thanks for all the help!

Its looking great. I am having trouble getting mine to cut. It just plunges straight down through the work piece and I stop it. I must be doing something wrong. Or vcarve wont work with cncjs alone.

@Edward_Bigham make sure your zeroing off of the correct spot. Either the material surface or the machine bed depending how you set it up in vcarve. Also make sure your heights are true in vcarve to actual wood thickness.

I am running bcnc on a raspberry pi.

@Jamie_Wilson amazing sir, great looking wood too!

Thanks @Jamie_Wilson . I think the problem is I am not zeroing the work correctly. It has a choice for zeroing the work zero and zeroing the offset zero. It is very frustrating. I just wanted a simple nonweb based program to do my stuff. I would even pay for a decent program.

@Brandon_Satterfield thanks

@Edward_Bigham are you using a touchoff plate for zeroing or just right on top of material?

Just right on top of the material. I have a touch plate but I am trying to figure out how to hook it to the tinyg.

@Edward_Bigham not sure on the tiny g I am using a Gradus M1. On bcnc the offset is for setting the thickness of the touch off plate but since your just using the material then I would say work zero and make sure you set it up in vcarve also. Vcarve gives the option of material surface zero and machine bed zero. The only time I have had issues with bit plunging into material is when I zeroed the bit different than I had set it up.

@Jamie_Wilson I know I have it set up in vcarve as zeroed on top of the material. I just touch the bit to the work piece and tell it to zero the work but the work zero still reads a position and not zeros.

Not sure. Maybe something in the cncjs. Maybe you should post a question on this forum about that and see if anyone else is using it.

You are right @Jamie_Wilson . I didn’t mean to hijack your post. Sorry.

@Jamie_Wilson I would really like to cut one of these. Is there any chance you can/would share the model? I only want to produce one on an old piece of redwood I have.

@Edward_Bigham no problem was not meaning that. I just meant that others might notice it and be able to help more than I could. Good luck.

@Colin_Kaminski I should be able to later.

@Jamie_Wilson I understand that. I was just apologizing for doing it. You have been very helpful. Thank you for your time.

@Colin_Kaminski I tried but can’t seem to get the file on here. If you know how just let me know and I will try again.

You could email it to me at or you could make a folder in google drive and share it with that address or make the folder public and share the link. The last two solutions don’t expose your email to me.

I did one of those. Yours came out much better