BeagleBone Black flasher image for Replicape is now ready for download.

BeagleBone Black flasher image for Replicape is now ready for download.
It has OctoPrint and CuraEngine in addition to Redeem and Toggle. Very minimal with lots of space for your stl models.

Great! Do you have Cura and Octoprint recipes submitted upstream?

I’ve not committed it upstream yet, not really sure where it goes… Octoprint requires a whole bunch of python packages, but CuraEngine is a breeze. It’s all available from my branch of meta-replicape though,

one option is to dump it into meta-oe, another option is to consider creating meta-3dprint or meta-maker (in case we want to add cnc etc.) I guess your meta-replicape can host those for now…

Ok, not a bad idea to make a more general layer for cnc stuff, definitely not. Ill look into that.

And a pull request to meta-replicape would be welcomed :wink:

I was going to send the python recipes to OE-dev once somebody tested them…

I think meta-maker has a nice ring to it. Good place to put the apps (Slic3r, Cura, OctoPrint, other CNC related). Implementation specific could be .bbappend’ed in meta-replicape (or other hardware specific layer).
Perl and python supporting packages should still get sent to OE-dev though…general usage :slight_smile: