Baby Dragon

Made a baby dragon model but now at a quandary. What type of dragon do I want and what pose should I use?

I am really torn between poses and details for the dragon.

What are your thoughts on a cool pose?

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Maybe ready for flight or menacing.

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Thank you. That it is going onto my possibility list.

The poses I have been considering are:

  1. Getting ready for flight or flight
  2. Travolta Saturday night fever pose
  3. Arnold bodybuilding pose
  4. Michael Jackson pose

Today I want to add a basic skeleton/armature to the model and start sculpting the detail onto the model.

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First draft. Not in love with how evil it turned out but not unhappy either. Didn’t really have a plan and just started sculpting.

The model has an armature attached so is fully posable.

P.S. In the printer now. About a 6.5 hr print and about 7 inches tall.


Surprisingly cute.

Still needs a bit more clean up and post processing but really happy with the model overall. If I was to re-print this I think I would re-slice it to print in multiple prints. The support clean up was a bit extreme.

And of course had to make a cnc pattern to accompany the project.