Try to deactivate hard limits ($22) and homing cycle ($23). If the Laser Test button works after that, then you should update Grbl again. There was an issue with the limits and homing which has been solved the last days.
with $22=0 and $23=0 Laser Test Button won´t work.
current settings:
Grbl 1.1e [’$’ for help]
Soft and Hardlimit deactivated didn´t solve the Laser Test Button issue.
Test if you can switch the laser on/off manually. Send “G1F20” then “M3S10” to switch the laser on and “M3S0” or “M5” to switch it off.
In Grbl 1.1e you must be in G1, G2 or G3 mode to switch the laser on (security reason).
G1F20 nothing happens
M3S10 Laser is on
M5 Laser is off
The G1F20 does nothing you can see, but it switches the controller to G1 mode, which is needed to get the laser on.
If the commands work manually, but not the laser test button, then you either have a too short laser test duration configured (in milliseconds) or you don’t have the actual LW version.
Recv: <Idle|WPos:70.001,70.001,0.000|FS:0,0>
laserTest: Power 10, Duration 2500
Sent: M3S10 Q: 2
Sent: G4P2.5 Q: 1
Sent: M5S0 Q: 0
Recv: <Idle|WPos:70.001,70.001,0.000|FS:0,0>
Your version of LaserWeb is Up To Date!
Content of version.txt: 30476
Do a git pull anyways, as we don’t increase the version on each push.
I did a new git clone and npm install. Now it works, thanks a lot!