At 200% for break in code motors at 1.15 current and not a single grinding sound…drop down to less then 40mm a sec death comes walking in
Up to 250% still smooth
i hope you find an answer soon…i would like to know what is the cause of it.
Could you get video of the low speed issues? Also if you twist on the carriage is there any play? Or on any of the rod ends? Are all the pulleys up tight against the bearings on the x/y rods? Also, How is your Z travel working?
Z travel was flawless up until one point where really quick small z axis changes did not move but once I put it to 1/8 step that was solved. I’ll get a video of low speed issues give me a sec
Does it get up to speed roughly or smoothly? I know that from the video it is good at fast speed, but how it is doing at initial acceleration from a stop getting to the fast speeds?
@Derek_Schuetz I run my Z at 1/8 also.
Went back to 1/32 on my z turned out to be a Acura issue works flawlessly with slic3r which I can’t figure out